Los Angeles DUI &
Criminal Defense

100% Focus on Los Angeles Criminal & DUI Defense
Los Angeles DUI &
Criminal Defense
Since 1999 The Law Office of Mark Rosenfeld has been dedicated to helping good people in Southern California who have been accused of a crime. Over the past 20 plus years, Attorney Rosenfeld has focused his practice solely on criminal, DUI, traffic, and Department of Motor Vehicle hearings. Attorney Rosenfeld’s number one goal is to make sure his clients never spend another second in jail.
The foundation of Attorney Rosenfeld’s practice is his extensive courtroom experience. Trying cases to a jury and letting the judges and prosecutors know that juries can make the right decision when the prosecutors don’t, has given Attorney Rosenfeld the edge and lead to many successful outcomes. Knowing the judges, District Attorneys, City Attorneys and DMV Hearing Officers allows Attorney Rosenfeld’s reputation to speak for him before he ever gets to court. It does not need to be a fight to the death, as long as Attorney Rosenfeld’s client wins.
In addition to his reputation, Attorney Rosenfeld knows the law. Continuing to study the ever-changing criminal justice law and training other attorneys on the law has helped with countless successful cases. Attorney Rosenfeld is a Board Member of the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Founding Member of the DUI Defense Lawyers Association and Specialist Member of the California DUI Defense Lawyers Association.
Over the years, Attorney Rosenfeld has developed a methodology for the defense of a criminal case. From the first phone call all the way until the work is done Attorney Rosenfeld will be there taking the necessary steps to protect his client from the system. Working with his clients, investigators, experts, witnesses, and other Attorney Rosenfeld will not stop until the investigation is complete and the best possible outcome is obtained.
When arrested a person faces stiff penalties, including possible jail or even prison time. The criminal justice system works quickly, so retaining an attorney as soon as possible is very helpful to an ultimately successful case. The quicker Attorney Rosenfeld is retained the better the chances are for a great outcome. In addition to helping with getting the best possible outcome getting an experienced defense attorney on your side can also ease stress, save money, and help you sleep better at night.
If you have been charged with a crime, or if you need legal advice regarding a criminal investigation, please call the Law Office of Mark Rosenfeld today for a free consultation. Attorney Rosenfeld will personally handle your case. He will not pass you off to a new, inexperienced attorney. Find out what needs to be done to protect your rights and your good name. Call now at (310) 424-3145, or submit your contact information through this website to schedule a free consultation.
What to Expect When Arrested
When people are arrested for Driving Under the Influence (alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both), they want to know what to expect next. It is important to keep in mind that there are two separate cases that usually get started based on a DUI arrest. It is not just what happens in court but what happens with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) that can also affect your life. When arrested for a DUI the officer will usually take a person’s license and start a DMV action to suspend the person’s privilege to drive. If the driver does not demand a hearing within ten days the DMV will automatically suspend their license. The DMV also focuses on repeat offenders, sending out a press release on how they are going after repeat offenders and those with a suspended license. Check out this link on the DMV Official Website.
The criminal justice system is supposed to be fair, honest, and provide justice to individuals and society. However, the truth is that it is just a system and people must fight to defend themselves because the system is set up to get convictions and find people guilty.

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